
2022 City of Longmont Community Survey

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Quality of Life
[ idbkp ]
[ Q1 ]
Please rate your level of satisfaction with the overall quality of City services provided by the City of Longmont.
[ Q2 ]
How likely would you be to recommend the City of Longmont to friends, family, and/or colleagues as a place to live?
[ Q3 ]
Please rate the City of Longmont...
01. As a place to find a job
02. As a place to live
03. As a place to raise children
04. As a place to retire
05. As a place to shop
06. As a place to visit
07. As a place to work
08. As a welcoming and inclusive community
09. Overall appearance
10. Overall cleanliness
11. Overall image
12. Overall quality of businesses and service establishments
13. Overall quality of life
14. Overall sense of community
15. Overall value you that you receive for your City taxes and fees
16. Your neighborhood as a place to live
17. Access to affordable quality childcare
18. Access to affordable quality healthcare
19. Access to affordable quality housing
20. Access to arts, culture, and recreational pursuits