2024 City of Port Arthur Community Survey

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Perception of the City
[ idbkp ]
[ IPGL ]
Location data from IP:
[ Q1 ]
Please rate the following aspects of the City.
01. As a community that is moving in the right direction
02. As a place to enjoy the natural environment
03. As a place to live
04. As a place for physical activity
05. As a place to raise children
06. As a place to retire
07. As a place to age in place
08. As a place to start a business
09. As a place to work
10. Reliability of internet services in your area
11. Overall image or reputation of the City government
[ Q2 ]
Do you think the overall quality of life in the City of Port Arthur is getting better, staying the same, or getting worse?
[ Q3 ]
Do you think you will be living in the City five years from now?
[ Q4 ]
Do you think your children will stay or return to the City to build their lives and/or raise their family?