2024 Wake County Community Survey

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Wake County Job Market
[ idbkp ]
[ IPGL ]
Location data from IP:
[ Q1 ]
In your opinion, what are the most important issues facing Wake County today?
[ Q2 ]
Please rate your level of agreement with each of the following statements concerning the current job landscape.
01. Wake County promotes job creation and economic development in my community
02. Wake County supports small, local businesses
03. I can find jobs that pay enough to cover my living expenses
04. I can find jobs with good benefits like health insurance, paid time off, and retirement
05. I can find jobs offering flexibility (e.g., flexible hours, work-from-home options)
06. I can find jobs that provide work-life balance (e.g., reasonable hours, family time)
07. I can find jobs that provide opportunities for growth, such as learning new skills or earning a promotion
08. I can find jobs that feel meaningful and fulfilling
09. I can find jobs that are stable and reliable
10. I can find jobs with a safe and comfortable work environment
[ Q3 ]
Are you having trouble finding a job near where you live?
[ Q3a ]
Please rate each statement about possible barriers you face when trying to find a good job in Wake County.
01. Not enough education or training
02. Little to no work experience
03. Not knowing how to look for a job
04. No access to the internet or a computer
05. Living in a place with few job opportunities
06. Jobs don't pay enough
07. Jobs are unsafe or have bad work conditions
08. Discrimination (e.g., because of age, race, gender, etc.)
09. Health problems (physical or mental)
10. Having a criminal record
11. Trouble speaking or understanding the language
12. Lack of transportation (no way to get to work
13. No one to watch my kids while I go to work (lack of childcare)