DART 2022 Paratransit Customer Satisfaction Survey default Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser or for this website. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters. Eligibility and Travel [ idbkp ] 720 720 [ Q1 ] What documents do you have readily available to verify your disability status and/or transportation needs? Check all that apply Letter from healthcare provider Medical documentation Statements, records or letters from agency issuing disability benefits Other [ Q1x4 ] Please define "Other." [ Q2 ] Please rate how easy the following two medical verification options are to obtain. Very Easy Easy Neutral Difficult Very Difficult Don't Know No answer DART-provided verification form (Licensed Provider Verification Form) completed by your medical provider Very Easy Easy Neutral Difficult Very Difficult Don't Know No answer A signed medical statement from a medical provider on their letterhead stationery documenting your specialized transportation needs Very Easy Easy Neutral Difficult Very Difficult Don't Know No answer [ Q3 ] Please rate your level of agreement with the following statement. "The current Bus Plus (ADA Complementary Program) eligibility process for paratransit users is easy to understand." Choose one of the following answers Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know No answer [ Q4 ] If Fixed Route service was made available to you for free, would you utilize Fixed Route for some of your trips? Choose one of the following answers Yes No Maybe, but would need additional training No answer [ Q5 ] Where do you most often travel from? Name of place: Address or nearest intersection: [ Q6 ] Where do you most often travel to? Name of place: Address or nearest intersection: [ Q7 ] What is the ZIP code of your home address? Only numbers may be entered in this field. Previous Next Resume later Please confirm you want to clear your response? Exit and clear survey Resume later Exit and clear survey ×