
2022 City of Kansas City, MO ElevateKC Employee Survey

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[ idbkp ]
[ Q1 ]

Please rate your level of agreement with each of the following statements.

Work Culture:

1. I know what is expected of me at work
2. I feel there are people at work who care about me as a person
3. I have a best friend at work
4. Morale is good in my department
5. The City is committed to equality and diversity
6. I feel emotionally safe at work
[ Q2 ]
Work Group/Teamwork:
1. Conflict is resolved effectively in my work group
2. My input is valued at work
3. I feel encouraged to provide ideas for new ways of doing things
4. In my work group, we talk about mistakes and ways to prevent and learn from them
5. In my work group, we review data to make decisions
6. Teamwork/cooperation is encouraged in my department
7. I feel valued and respected by colleagues/peers
[ Q3 ]
Physical Work Environment and Resources (relating to your City workplace, not home):
1. I am satisfied with the overall maintenance of the facilities where I work
2. I know who to contact to resolve issues with my physical work environment
3. I am satisfied with the overall cleanliness of facilities where I work
4. My workspace does not cause me physical harm or pain
5. I have the hand tools/mechanical equipment I need to do quality work
6. The hand tools/mechanical equipment I use are well maintained
7. I am adequately trained to use the hand tools/mechanical equipment furnished to perform my job
8. My uniform needs are being met
[ Q4 ]
1. My computer functions without problems
2. I have the right technology (hardware, computer/laptop/tablet) I need to do quality work
3. I have the technology (software) I need to do quality work
4. I have access to effective software training I need to do my job
5. I know what software is available to me
6. I receive effective tech support
[ Q5 ]
Employee Recognition:
1. The City regularly recognizes employees for a job well done
2. My department regularly recognizes employees for a job well done
3. My work is appreciated by my supervisors
4. I am adequately recognized for the work I do