2023 Town of Tiburon Parks and Recreation Needs Assessment Survey default Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser or for this website. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters. Facility Use [ idbkp ] 1437 1437 [ Q1 ] Including yourself, how many people in your household are... Only numbers may be entered in these fields. Under age 5: Ages 5-9: Ages 10-14: Ages 15-19: Ages 20-24: Ages 25-34: Ages 35-44: Ages 45-54: Ages 55-64: Ages 65-74: Ages 75-84: Ages 85+: [ Q2 ] Please select each of the following Town of Tiburon parks and recreation facilities you or any member of your household has used during the past 12 months. Check all that apply 01. Bel Aire Park 02. Belveron Mini-Park 03. Blackies Pasture 04. Cypress Grove Garden Park 05. Cypress Hollow Park 06. Dairy Knoll Recreation Center 07. Elephant Rock Fishing Pier 08. Library 09. McKegney Green 10. Old Rail Trail (multi-use path) 11. Open space trails 12. Paradise Beach Park 13. Paradise Cay Park 14. Shoreline Park 15. South of Knoll Park 16. Teather Park Tennis Courts 17. Town Hall Community Room 18. Zelinsky Park [ Q2a ] Please rate your overall satisfaction with each park/facility you selected. Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied N/A No answer 01. Bel Aire Park Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied N/A No answer 02. Belveron Mini-Park Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied N/A No answer 03. Blackies Pasture Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied N/A No answer 04. Cypress Grove Garden Park Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied N/A No answer 05. Cypress Hollow Park Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied N/A No answer 06. Dairy Knoll Recreation Center Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied N/A No answer 07. Elephant Rock Fishing Pier Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied N/A No answer 08. Library Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied N/A No answer 09. McKegney Green Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied N/A No answer 10. Old Rail Trail (multi-use path) Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied N/A No answer 11. Open space trails Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied N/A No answer 12. Paradise Beach Park Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied N/A No answer 13. Paradise Cay Park Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied N/A No answer 14. Shoreline Park Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied N/A No answer 15. South of Knoll Park Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied N/A No answer 16. Teather Park Tennis Courts Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied N/A No answer 17. Town Hall Community Room Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied N/A No answer 18. Zelinsky Park Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied N/A No answer [ Q3 ] Which THREE parks/facilities from the list in Question 2 above should receive the most attention from the Town of Tiburon in the next TWO years? Each item may only be selected once. 1st: Please choose... 01. Bel Aire Park 02. Belveron Mini-Park 03. Blackies Pasture 04. Cypress Grove Garden Park 05. Cypress Hollow Park 06. Dairy Knoll Recreation Center 07. Elephant Rock Fishing Pier 08. Library 09. McKegney Green 10. Old Rail Trail (multi-use path) 11. Open space trails 12. Paradise Beach Park 13. Paradise Cay Park 14. Shoreline Park 15. South of Knoll Park 16. Teather Park Tennis Courts 17. Town Hall Community Room 18. Zelinsky Park 2nd: Please choose... 01. Bel Aire Park 02. Belveron Mini-Park 03. Blackies Pasture 04. Cypress Grove Garden Park 05. Cypress Hollow Park 06. Dairy Knoll Recreation Center 07. Elephant Rock Fishing Pier 08. Library 09. McKegney Green 10. Old Rail Trail (multi-use path) 11. Open space trails 12. Paradise Beach Park 13. Paradise Cay Park 14. Shoreline Park 15. South of Knoll Park 16. Teather Park Tennis Courts 17. Town Hall Community Room 18. Zelinsky Park 3rd: Please choose... 01. Bel Aire Park 02. Belveron Mini-Park 03. Blackies Pasture 04. Cypress Grove Garden Park 05. Cypress Hollow Park 06. Dairy Knoll Recreation Center 07. Elephant Rock Fishing Pier 08. Library 09. McKegney Green 10. Old Rail Trail (multi-use path) 11. Open space trails 12. Paradise Beach Park 13. Paradise Cay Park 14. Shoreline Park 15. South of Knoll Park 16. Teather Park Tennis Courts 17. Town Hall Community Room 18. Zelinsky Park [ Q4 ] Please CHECK ALL the following reasons that prevent you or members of your household from using Town of Tiburon parks or recreation facilities more often. Check all that apply Use parks/trails in other cities Too far from my home Parks/trails are not well maintained Lack of features we want to use Lack of parking to access parks/trails Do not feel safe using parks/trails Lack of handicap accessibility Not aware of park or trail locations Lack of transportation Lack of restrooms Language/cultural barriers Practice is at a venue outside of town Lack of recreation programs Other [ Q4x14 ] Please define "Other." Previous Next Resume later Please confirm you want to clear your response? Exit and clear survey Resume later Exit and clear survey ×