2023 Forsyth County Community Survey

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Reasons to Live In Forsyth County and Visioning
[ idbkp ]
[ IPGL ]
Location data from IP:
[ Q1 ]
Please CHECK ALL of the reasons why you choose to live in Forsyth County.
[ Q1x18 ]
Please define "Other."
[ Q2 ]
Which THREE of the items listed in Question 1 will have the BIGGEST IMPACT on your decision to stay in Forsyth County over the next five years?
[ Q3 ]
Please indicate how important you believe each of the following will be to the overall quality of life in Forsyth County over the next 20 years.
01. Health care access
02. Behavioral health access
03. Support systems for those in need
04. Natural open space
05. Parks and trails
06. Library services
07. Public education (K-12)
08. College and post-secondary education
09. Environmental stewardship and sustainability
10. Land use planning
11. Bike lanes, walkability
12. Adequacy of residential growth to meet the needs of the County
13. Adequacy of commercial/industrial growth to meet the job opportunity needs of the County
14. Job training and workforce development (post-secondary education and training)
15. Housing
16. Safety, low crime
17. Social justice/equity/inclusivity
[ Q4 ]
Which THREE of the issues listed in Question 3 do you think will be the most important for the County to address over the next 20 years?
[ Q5 ]
Do you think the overall quality of life in Forsyth County is getting better, staying the same, or getting worse?