
2023 City of Raleigh Election Process Survey

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City of Raleigh City Council
[ idbkp ]
[ IPGL ]
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[ Note1 ]
For the following questions, keep in mind that the City of Raleigh currently has 5 District Council members who are elected by the voters in the City Council Districts they represent, and 2 At-Large Council members who are elected by a vote of the entire City. The Mayor is also elected by a vote of the entire City.
[ Q1 ]

City Council members for the City of Raleigh currently serve 2-year terms. Extending the time between elections could give City Council members more time to learn about the organization, its issues, and align themselves to longer-term projects.

How supportive would you be of City Council members serving a 4-year term instead of a 2-year term?

[ Q2 ]

Currently, elections for all City Council members (District Council members and At-Large Council members) are held during the same year. Staggering the Council member’s terms could help allow voters to signal dissatisfaction and/or the need for course corrections every two years instead of every four years. Staggering terms balances accountability with continuity.

How supportive would you be of the City adopting staggered terms, where all 5 District City Council members are elected during the same election, and the Mayor and both At-Large City Council members are elected two years later?

[ Q3 ]

The City of Raleigh currently has 5 City Council Districts. Adding more District City Council members would reduce the number of residents represented by each district City Council member and increase resident access to their representative. Adding District seats will require Districts to be redrawn, and the voting precinct of residents will change.

How supportive would you be of the City adding multiple District seats?

[ Q4 ]

The City of Raleigh currently has 2 At-Large City Council members. Adding more At-Large City Council members would increase representation of city-wide interests. Adding at-large representatives will not require Districts to be redrawn, and the voting precinct of residents will not change.

How supportive would you be of the City staying with 5 City Council Districts, but adding multiple At-Large City Council members?