
2024 City of Merriam Business Survey

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Part 1: City Service Delivery
[ idbkp ]
[ IPGL ]
Location data from IP:
[ Q1 ]
How would you rate the City of Merriam overall as a place to do business?
[ Q2 ]
Please rate your satisfaction with the following services with regard to how they affect your business' ability to operate.
1. Police services
2. Fire services
3. Street maintenance, including sidewalks, medians and curbs
4. Street lighting
5. Street sweeping/cleanliness of public areas
6. Stormwater drainage/flood management
7. Enforcement of codes and ordinances
8. Effectiveness of City communication with businesses
9. Quality of customer service provided by City employees
[ Q3 ]
Which THREE of the City services listed in Question 2 are MOST IMPORTANT to your business?