2024 York County Community Parks and Recreation Needs Assessment

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About Your Household, Facility Use, and Communication
[ idbkp ]
[ IPGL ]
Location data from IP:
[ Q1 ]
Please complete this survey with all household members in mind. Counting yourself, how many people in your household are...
[ Q2 ]
What area of the county best describes where you live?
[ Q2x11 ]
Please list the town or city used in your mailing address.
[ Q3 ]
Have you or members of your household visited any of the York County parks and recreation facilities (Allison Creek Park, Ebenezer Park, Nanny's Mountain Historical Park, Field Day Park, York County Veteran's Memorial Park, Worth Mountain Park) during the past 12 months?
[ Q3a ]
Overall, how would you rate the physical condition of the York County parks you have visited?
[ Q3b ]
In the last 12 months, how often have you used the following parks and recreation facilities provided by the York County Parks and Recreation Department?
1. Allison Creek Park
2. Ebenezer Park
3. Nanny's Mountain Historical Park
4. Field Day Park
5. York County Veteran's Memorial Park
6. Worth Mountain Park
[ Q4 ]
How do you currently learn about parks and recreation programs, facilities, and services that are offered in York County?
[ Q4x13 ]
Please define "Other."
[ Q5 ]
Which TWO of the sources of information listed in Question 4 do you MOST PREFER to use to get information about programs and services?