Mecklenburg County Budget Priorities Survey

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Program, Service, and Facility Needs
[ idbkp ]
[ IPGL ]
Location data from IP:
[ Q1 ]
Please indicate how your household's needs for the programs, services, and facilities listed below are being met. If you do NOT have a need for an item, please select "NO NEED."
01. Foster care, adoption, and child protection services
02. Assistance with paying for childcare for low-income families
03. Services for senior adults age 60+ (includes services like adult day care, nutrition, transportation, and in-home assistance)
04. Programs/services that help residents get access to healthy food
05. Efforts by the County to improve access to affordable housing
06. Mental health, behavioral health, and substance use services
07. Efforts by the County to improve access to healthcare
08. Workforce development services that provide training and support to help residents get jobs and/or enhance their careers
09. Efforts by the County to acquire land for the development of parks, greenways, and open-space preservation
10. Library collections (books, e-books, audiobooks, periodicals, music, videos, etc.)
11. Library programs for children, teens, and/or adults
12. Safety and security at County facilities like libraries, parks, greenways, recreation centers, and County offices
13. Programs and services that help justice-involved residents after they have had interactions with the criminal justice system
[ Q2 ]
Which FOUR of the services/programs/facilities listed above do you think should be the top priorities for additional funding in the County's FY 2026 Budget?
[ Q3 ]
Would you be willing to pay a slight increase in taxes to help fund improvements in the services/program/facility you selected as your top priority in Question 2?
[ Note ]
OPTIONAL OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS. If you do not like responding to open-ended questions, feel free to skip Questions 4 and 5 below.
[ Q4 ]
If you indicated that your household's needs were not being met for an item in Question 1, please list the item number and briefly describe why your need is not met. [If your needs are not being met for more than one item, please address your concern about the item that is most important to you.]
[ Q5 ]
Not all County programs/services/facilities are listed in Question 1. If you have comments or suggestions about other County programs/services/facilities that should be high priorities in the FY2026 budget, please describe them below.