2025 Village of Gurnee Community Survey

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Perceptions of the Village
[ idbkp ]
[ IPGL ]
Location data from IP:
[ Q1 ]
Overall Satisfaction with Characteristics of the Village. Please rate your overall satisfaction with the following perceptions and characteristics of the Village of Gurnee.
How satisfied are you with...
1. Feeling safe in Gurnee
2. Feeling of safety in your own neighborhood
3. Trust in the Village of Gurnee employees and leadership
4. Gurnee's ability to communicate information
5. Gurnee's commitment to transparency
6. Accessibility of information
7. Gurnee's commitment to diversity
8. Customer service of Village of Gurnee employees
[ Q2 ]
Quality of Life and Perceptions of the Village. Please rate the Village of Gurnee with regard to each of the following.
How would you rate the Village of Gurnee...
01. As a place to live
02. As a place to raise a family
03. As a place to work
04. As a place where you would buy your next home
05. As a place to retire
06. As a place to open a business
07. As a place to educate children
08. As a place where residents support each other
09. Overall value that you receive from Village Services
10. Overall image of the Village
11. Overall quality of life in the Village
12. Overall appearance of the Village