
2022 Centerville-Washington Park District Community Interest

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[ idbkp ]
[ Q1 ]
How important are parks to you?
[ Q2 ]
Did you know that the Centerville-Washington Park District is a separate government entity, operated independently from the City of Centerville and Washington Township?
[ Q3 ]
Have you or other members of your household used any parks or facilities offered by the CWPD during the past year?
[ Q3a ]
How would you rate the overall quality of parks or facilities that you and members of your household have used?
[ Q3b ]
Approximately, how frequently have you or the members of your household visited parks or facilities offered by the CWPD during the past year?
[ Q4 ]
Have you or other members of your household participated in any programs offered by the CWPD during the past year?
[ Q4a ]
How would you rate the overall quality of programs that you and members of your household have participated in?
[ Q4b ]
Approximately how many programs have you or the members of your household participated in over the past year?
[ Q5 ]
Do you have a park within walking distance of your home?
[ Q5a ]
Over the past year, how often did you typically visit that park or facility?
[ Q6 ]
Please CHECK ALL the ways you learn about CWPD programs and services.
[ Q6x16 ]
Please define "Other."
[ Q7 ]
What THREE sources from the list in Question 6 are your MOST PREFERRED ways to learn about CWPD programs and services?