
2022 Snowmass Village Community Survey

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Snowmass Village Community
[ idbkp ]
[ Q1 ]
Which of the following best describes you?
[ Q1x5 ]
Please define "Other."
[ Q1a ]
Are you employed within Snowmass Village?
[ Q1b ]
Are you a business owner/operator within Snowmass Village?
[ Q1c ]
Please rate the level to which you would be interested in assisting with the following types of affordable/employee housing in the future.
1. Lease housing for your employees
2. Construct units for employees
3. Subsidize employee rents
4. Provide down payments for employees
5. Open spare room/second homes to workforce
6. Subsidize employee mortgage payments
[ Q2 ]
Overall, do you feel that the sense of community in Snowmass Village is...
[ Q3 ]
Town Council Strategic Goals: Please indicate how important each of the following Town Council Strategic Goals are to you when planning the Town's future.
1. Create more opportunities for effective communication and community engagement
2. Working regionally with local partners to solve significant issues (e.g., transit, housing)
3. Increase the amount of affordable workforce and senior housing in the Village
4. Improve the Town's resiliency and environmental sustainability
5. Increase the amount of community spaces (i.e. library, plaza, etc.) to create more community focused interaction
6. Maintain and increase public safety, parking, and transit by enhancing connectivity (ability to move throughout the community)
[ Q4 ]
Are there any topics of interest not included in the Town Council's Strategic Goals listed in Question 3 that you feel should be one of the Town's top priorities?
[ Q4a1 ]
What issue?
[ Q5 ]
Please indicate if regulations regarding homes (single-family and multi-family) rented as short-term rentals (STRs) in Snowmass Village are "Good for the Community," "Just Right," or "Not Right for the Community."
[ Q6 ]
If you could keep one thing the same in Snowmass Village forever, what would it be?
[ Q7 ]
Please rate your level of satisfaction with each of the following aspects of Town government and the Snowmass Village Community.
1. Overall quality of services provided by the Town
2. Overall value that you receive for your tax dollars and fees
3. Overall image of the Town
4. Overall quality of life
5. Overall feeling of safety
6. Overall quality of representation you receive from the Town Council