2023 Orange County Resident Survey default Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser or for this website. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters. Agreement and Satisifaction [ idbkp ] 5014 5014 [ Q1 ] Which THREE of the following items do you believe will be the MOST critical roles for the County government in the next 10 to 20 years? Maintaining quality leadership Communication and engagement with the public Making sure that necessary health and human services are available Preserving open space and parks Maintaining high quality emergency services Develop transportation alternatives to single passenger cars Creating affordable housing options Improving behavioral health services Increasing funding for K-12 schools Improving early childhood education Diverting individuals from the criminal justice system Reducing food insecurity Improve environmental sustainability Responding and adapting to climate change Other Each item may only be selected once. 1st: Please choose... 1. Maintaining quality leadership 2. Communication and engagement with the public 3. Making sure that necessary health and human services are available 4. Preserving open space and parks 5. Maintaining high quality emergency services 6. Develop transportation alternatives to single passenger cars 7. Creating affordable housing options 8. Improving behavioral health services 9. Increasing funding for K-12 schools 10. Improving early childhood education 11. Diverting individuals from the criminal justice system 12. Reducing food insecurity 13. Improve environmental sustainability 14. Responding and adapting to climate change 15. Other 99. None 2nd: Please choose... 1. Maintaining quality leadership 2. Communication and engagement with the public 3. Making sure that necessary health and human services are available 4. Preserving open space and parks 5. Maintaining high quality emergency services 6. Develop transportation alternatives to single passenger cars 7. Creating affordable housing options 8. Improving behavioral health services 9. Increasing funding for K-12 schools 10. Improving early childhood education 11. Diverting individuals from the criminal justice system 12. Reducing food insecurity 13. Improve environmental sustainability 14. Responding and adapting to climate change 15. Other 99. None 3rd: Please choose... 1. Maintaining quality leadership 2. Communication and engagement with the public 3. Making sure that necessary health and human services are available 4. Preserving open space and parks 5. Maintaining high quality emergency services 6. Develop transportation alternatives to single passenger cars 7. Creating affordable housing options 8. Improving behavioral health services 9. Increasing funding for K-12 schools 10. Improving early childhood education 11. Diverting individuals from the criminal justice system 12. Reducing food insecurity 13. Improve environmental sustainability 14. Responding and adapting to climate change 15. Other 99. None [ Q1x15 ] Please define "Other." [ Q2 ] Rate your level of agreement with the following sentences. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know No answer 01. The County Government is well run Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know No answer 02. The Board of County Commissioners effectively manages County resources Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know No answer 03. The County does a good job managing its growth and development in rural (unincorporated) areas of the County Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know No answer 04. Management of juries for District Courts is professional and efficient Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know No answer 05. The County is prepared for an emergency Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know No answer 06. Polling places in the County are conveniently located and accessible Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know No answer 07. The County has enough early voting locations Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know No answer 08. The County provides adequate resources to those in need Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know No answer 09. The County does a good job keeping residents informed about County programs and services Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know No answer 10. My property is appraised fairly in the County Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know No answer 11. The County's web page is a useful source of information Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know No answer 12. The County's services and facilities for its aging and disabled populations are adequate Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know No answer 13. The County provides adequate amenities, access to leisure activities, and cultural activities Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know No answer [ Q3 ] Please CHECK ALL of the reasons why you choose to live in Orange County. Check all that apply Arts, cultural, and entertainment amenities Housing options Parks and open space options Shopping options Higher education opportunities Public transportation systems Diversity of the people who live here Employment opportunities Local tax rate and cost of living Low crime rates Low traffic congestion Close to family/friends Close to your work/school Access to health care services Access to farm fresh meats and produce Quality of public education opportunities Recreation opportunities/facilities for adults Recreation opportunities/facilities for youth Quality of government Other [ Q3x20 ] Please define "Other." [ Q4 ] Which THREE of the items listed in Question 3 on the previous page will have the BIGGEST IMPACT on your decision to stay in the County over the next five years? Each item may only be selected once. 1st: Please choose... 01. Arts, cultural, and entertainment amenities 02. Housing options 03. Parks and open space options 04. Shopping options 05. Higher education opportunities 06. Public transportation systems 07. Diversity of the people who live here 08. Employment opportunities 09. Local tax rate and cost of living 10. Low crime rates 11. Low traffic congestion 12. Close to family/friends 13. Close to your work/school 14. Access to health care services 15. Access to farm fresh meats and produce 16. Quality of public education opportunities 17. Recreation opportunities/facilities for adults 18. Recreation opportunities/facilities for youth 19. Quality of government 20. Other 99. None 2nd: Please choose... 01. Arts, cultural, and entertainment amenities 02. Housing options 03. Parks and open space options 04. Shopping options 05. Higher education opportunities 06. Public transportation systems 07. Diversity of the people who live here 08. Employment opportunities 09. Local tax rate and cost of living 10. Low crime rates 11. Low traffic congestion 12. Close to family/friends 13. Close to your work/school 14. Access to health care services 15. Access to farm fresh meats and produce 16. Quality of public education opportunities 17. Recreation opportunities/facilities for adults 18. Recreation opportunities/facilities for youth 19. Quality of government 20. Other 99. None 3rd: Please choose... 01. Arts, cultural, and entertainment amenities 02. Housing options 03. Parks and open space options 04. Shopping options 05. Higher education opportunities 06. Public transportation systems 07. Diversity of the people who live here 08. Employment opportunities 09. Local tax rate and cost of living 10. Low crime rates 11. Low traffic congestion 12. Close to family/friends 13. Close to your work/school 14. Access to health care services 15. Access to farm fresh meats and produce 16. Quality of public education opportunities 17. Recreation opportunities/facilities for adults 18. Recreation opportunities/facilities for youth 19. Quality of government 20. Other 99. None [ Q5 ] How good of a job would you say the County government does communicating information about county issues, services, and performance to the public? Choose one of the following answers Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know No answer [ Q6 ] Do you think you will be living in the County five years from now? Choose one of the following answers Yes No Don't know No answer [ Q7 ] Do you think the overall quality of life in the County is getting better, staying the same, or getting worse? Choose one of the following answers Getting better Staying the same Getting worse No answer Previous Next Resume later Please confirm you want to clear your response? Exit and clear survey Resume later Exit and clear survey ×