
2023 City of Lake Forest Community-Wide Survey

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City Services
[ idbkp ]
[ Q1 ]
Please rate your overall satisfaction with the following services provided by the City of Lake Forest.
01. Fire and emergency medical services
02. Police services
03. Maintenance of City streets, lots, sidewalks, and bridges
04. Snow removal services on City streets
05. Drainage and stormwater management services (in City right of ways including streets and sidewalks)
06. Sanitation services (refuse, recycling, yard waste, and compost and recycling center)
07. Storm emergency response services (flood, windstorms, etc.)
08. Development process (permit issuance and inspections)
09. Overall quality of new development (new buildings, subdivisions, new commercial developments)
10. Parks and trails
11. Recreation programs
12. CROYA (Committee Representing Our Young Adults) youth programs and services
13. Dickinson Hall Senior Activity Center programs and services
14. Library programs and services
15. Effectiveness of City communication with the public
16. Customer service from City employees
[ Q2 ]
Which THREE of these items are MOST IMPORTANT to you and the members of your household?
[ Q2a ]
Are there any other services that the City of Lake Forest is not currently providing that you would like to see provided in the future?
[ Q3 ]
Please rate Lake Forest regarding each of the following.
1. Quality of life in the City
2. Quality of services provided by the City
3. Value that you receive for your City tax dollars and fees
4. City efforts to keep you informed about local issues
5. City efforts to promote environmentally sustainable best practices
6. Accessibility and responsiveness of City Council
7. City Council acting in the best long-term interest of the community
8. Confidence in Lake Forest City government
[ Q4 ]
Check all the sources of information listed that you currently use to get news and information about City programs, services, and events.
[ Q4x15 ]
Please define "Other."
[ Q5 ]
Which THREE of the sources from the list above do you MOST PREFER to use to get information about the City of Lake Forest?
[ Q6 ]
The City shares municipal financial information through a variety of media platforms. Please rate your level of interest on the following financial topics.
1. Annual budgeting process
2. Requirements when buying and selling property (transfer stamp, final utility bill, etc.)
3. Long-range planning on the City's pension funding