
2023 Aspen Recreation Program, Services and Facilities Needs Assessment

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Facility Usage and Ratings
[ idbkp ]
[ Q1 ]
Please complete this survey with ALL household members in mind. Including yourself, how many people in your household are...
[ Q2 ]
Facility Usage and Ratings. For each of the following, please indicate how often you or the members of your household use or visit each of the facilities listed.
1. Aspen Recreation Pool
2. Lewis Ice Arena
3. Aspen Recreation Center- fitness, climbing
4. Red Brick Recreation Center
5. Aspen Ice Garden
[ Q3 ]
Barriers to Programs and Facilities Usage. Please indicate which of the following are the biggest barriers to you or anyone in your household using Aspen Recreational programs, activities or classes and facilities.
[ Q3x12 ]
Please define "Other."
[ Q4 ]
From the following list, please CHECK ALL of the non-City organizations that you or members of your household have used for recreation and/or sports activities during the last 12 months.
[ Q4x9 ]
Please define "Other."
[ Q4a ]
What types of programs or facilities are you primarily using from other non-City organizations?