2024 City of Plano Parks and Recreation Survey default Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser or for this website. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters. Parks Usage and Knowledge [ idbkp ] 1962 1962 [ IPGL ] Location data from IP: IP address Country Region City Latitude Longitude Postal code Time zone [ Q1 ] Please complete this survey with all household members in mind. Counting yourself, how many people in your household are... Only numbers may be entered in these fields. Under age 5: Ages 5-9: Ages 10-14: Ages 15-19: Ages 20-24: Ages 25-34: Ages 35-44: Ages 45-54: Ages 55-64: Ages 65-79: Ages 80+: [ Q2 ] During a typical year, do you or any member of your household visit any City of Plano parks and recreation facilities? Choose one of the following answers Yes No No answer [ Q2a ] Please rate the overall quality of all the parks and recreation facilities you and the members of your household have visited. Choose one of the following answers Excellent Good Fair Poor No answer [ Q2b ] Please CHECK ALL of the following reasons why you do NOT visit or do not visit City of Plano parks and recreation facilities MORE OFTEN. Check all that apply Use other city, state, or private facilities Too far from home Not aware of park or facility locations Parks/facilities are not well maintained Old and outdated parks/facilities Lack of features we want to use Lack of parking to access parks/facilities Do not feel safe using parks/facilities Park/facility doesn't meet my needs Lack of ADA accessibility Do not feel welcomed/accommodated Lack of transportation Lack of restrooms Language/Cultural barriers/age barriers Fees are too high/lack of financial assistance Pandemic-related concerns Other [ Q2b17 ] Please define "Other." [ Q3 ] During a typical year, do you or any member of your household participate in any parks and recreation programs or events offered and/or hosted by the City of Plano? Choose one of the following answers Yes No No answer [ Q3a ] Please rate the overall quality of all the recreation programs or events you and the members of your household have participated in or attended. Choose one of the following answers Excellent Good Fair Poor No answer [ Q3b ] Please CHECK ALL of the following reasons why you have NOT participated or do not participate MORE OFTEN in City of Plano recreation programs or events. Check all that apply I don't know what is offered Use programs of other agencies Lack of quality instructors Lack of quality programs Prefer individual activities Too far from home Program times are not convenient Classes are full Safety concerns Fees are too high/lack of financial assistance Prefer virtual programming Do not feel welcomed/accommodated Program not offered Registration is difficult Lack of transportation Too busy/not interested Language/Cultural/Age barriers Parking issues Previous Next Resume later Please confirm you want to clear your response? Exit and clear survey Resume later Exit and clear survey ×