
2024 Mount Pleasant Waterworks Customer Survey

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[ idbkp ]
[ IPGL ]
Location data from IP:
[ Q1 ]
Are you a commercial or residential customer?
[ Q2 ]
How long have you been a customer of Mount Pleasant Waterworks?
[ Q3 ]
Please rate your level of satisfaction with each of the following items as they relate to your water service.
1. Taste of your tap water
2. Smell or odor of your tap water
3. Appearance or color of your tap water
4. Water pressure on a typical day
5. Efforts by Mount Pleasant Waterworks to ensure your drinking water is safe to drink
6. Efforts by Mount Pleasant Waterworks to ensure an adequate water supply is available to meet the community's growing needs (sufficient quantity of potable water under adequate pressure)
7. Overall reliability of your water service (when I turn on the faucet water comes out)
8. Efforts by Mount Pleasant Waterworks to keep you informed about water issues
9. Overall quality of your water service
[ Q4 ]
Which THREE of the items from the list in Question 3, do you think should receive the MOST EMPHASIS from Mount Pleasant Waterworks over the next five years?
[ Q5 ]
Residential customers pay less than $.03 per gallon of water from Mount Pleasant Waterworks. Is this cost reasonable to you? [Commercial customers may pay more based on their demand.]
[ Q6 ]
Please rate your satisfaction with the overall quality of your water service provided by Mount Pleasant Waterworks.
1. Overall quality of your water service