2024 RTD Paratransit Customer Satisfaction Survey - Access-on-Demand Language: English - English English - English EspaƱol - Spanish default Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser or for this website. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters. RTD Access-on-Demand General [ idbkp ] 1221 1221 [ Q1 ] Are you an Access-on-Demand customer or are you the caretaker or family member of a customer? Choose one of the following answers Customer Caretaker/Family member [Please answer the remaining questions on behalf of the customer with responses that represent the paratransit customer's experience.] No answer [ Q2 ] How do you take most of your trips? Choose one of the following answers In personal/family vehicle RTD Access-on-Demand RTD Access-a-Ride RTD bus/rail service Medicaid transportation Taxi/Other privately paid transportation Other No answer [ Q2x7 ] Please define "Other." [ Q3 ] What type of trips do you take most often using Access-on-Demand services? Choose one of the following answers Work School Medical appointments Leisure/social/recreation Shopping/groceries/errands Church/religious activities Other No answer [ Q3x7 ] Please define "Other." [ Q4 ] Do you require a Personal Care Assistant, or PCA, to travel with you on the Access-on-Demand vehicle? Choose one of the following answers Yes No Sometimes No answer Previous Next Resume later Please confirm you want to clear your response? Exit and clear survey Resume later Exit and clear survey ×