2024 Mooresville Community Interest and Opinion Survey default Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser or for this website. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters. Parks Usage and Knowledge [ idbkp ] 6134 6134 [ IPGL ] Location data from IP: IP address Country Region City Latitude Longitude Postal code Time zone [ Q1 ] From the following listing of Town of Mooresville parks, please check ALL the parks you and members of your household have used during the past year. Check all that apply Academy Street Park Bellingham Park Cornelius Road Park Edgemoor Park Hope Park Lee Street Park Liberty Park Magla Park John Franklin Moore Park Mazeppa Park Mooresville Skate Park Nesbit Park North Main Park Presbyterian Road Park Reed Creek Park Stevenson Street Park Willow Valley Park None [ Q2 ] Overall, how would you rate the physical condition of ALL the Town of Mooresville parks you have visited? Choose one of the following answers Excellent Good Fair Poor No answer [ Q3 ] Have you or other members of your household participated in any recreation programs offered by the Town of Mooresville Parks & Recreation Department during the past 12 months? Choose one of the following answers Yes No No answer [ Q3a ] Which THREE of the following are your primary reasons why your household has participated in cultural and recreation programs offered by the Town of Mooresville? Quality of instruction Location of facility Quality of facility Economical fees Convenient times offered Quality of program Dates offered Friends participate Facilities are accessible Other Each item may only be selected once. 1st: Please choose... 01. Quality of instruction 02. Location of facility 03. Quality of facility 04. Economical fees 05. Convenient times offered 06. Quality of program 07. Dates offered 08. Friends participate 09. Facilities are accessible 10. Other 2nd: Please choose... 01. Quality of instruction 02. Location of facility 03. Quality of facility 04. Economical fees 05. Convenient times offered 06. Quality of program 07. Dates offered 08. Friends participate 09. Facilities are accessible 10. Other 3rd: Please choose... 01. Quality of instruction 02. Location of facility 03. Quality of facility 04. Economical fees 05. Convenient times offered 06. Quality of program 07. Dates offered 08. Friends participate 09. Facilities are accessible 10. Other [ Q3a10 ] Please define "Other." [ Q3b ] How would you rate the overall quality of programs that you and members of your household have participated in? Choose one of the following answers Excellent Good Fair Poor No answer [ Q4 ] From the following list, please check ALL the organizations that you and members of your household have used for indoor and outdoor recreation activities during the last 12 months. Check all that apply Schools Churches/Houses of Worship Youth sports associations YMCA Mecklenburg County Parks Mooresville Art Guild Mooresville Museum Town of Mooresville Parks & Recreation Department Private clubs (tennis, fitness, and dance) State of North Carolina Parks Community Colleges/Universities Homeowners associations/apartment complex Mooresville Children's Theater Other None [ Q4x14 ] Please define "Other." Previous Next Resume later Please confirm you want to clear your response? Exit and clear survey Resume later Exit and clear survey ×