2024 Richmond Parks and Recreation Survey

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Parks Usage and Knowledge
[ idbkp ]
[ IPGL ]
Location data from IP:
[ Q1 ]
Including yourself, how many people in your household are...
[ Q2 ]
Please rate your level of satisfaction with the following parks, trails, and facilities provided by the City of Richmond. If you haven't used the park/facility, please select "Haven't Used."
1. Cevie Due Park (skate park)
2. Charles Armour Park (a.k.a. West Park)
3. Fire House Park
4. Gymnasium at City Hall
5. Hamann Park
6. Maurice Roberts Park and tennis courts
7. Southview Park (lake, trails, and disc golf course)
8. Southview pool
[ Q3 ]
Which one park from the list in Question 2 do you feel should be a top priority for future improvements?
[ Q4 ]
On average, how often do you or other members of your household visit parks in Richmond?
[ Q5 ]
Which of the following reasons PREVENT you or other members of your household from using parks in Richmond, or from using them more often?
[ Q5x10 ]
Please define "Other."
[ Q6 ]
How important do you feel it is for the City to provide high quality park facilities?