2024 City of Springfield Community Survey

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Overall Satisfaction with City Services
[ idbkp ]
[ IPGL ]
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[ Q1 ]
Overall Satisfaction with City Services. Please rate your satisfaction with each of the following items.
01. Condition of streets, pavement, and sidewalks in Springfield
02. Customer service received from City employees
03. Effectiveness of City communication with the public
04. Emergency medical services
05. Enforcement of City codes and ordinances
06. Fire services
07. Mowing and trimming along City streets and other public areas
08. Parks and recreation facilities and programs
09. Police services
10. Water/wastewater/sewer services
[ Q2 ]
Which THREE of the items listed in Question 1 do you think should receive the MOST EMPHASIS from City leaders over the next TWO years?
[ Q3 ]
Please rate your satisfaction with each of the following items that may influence your perception of Springfield as a community.
01. Overall feeling of safety in the City of Springfield
02. Overall quality of life in the City of Springfield
03. Overall quality of life in your neighborhood
04. Overall quality of new development in the City of Springfield
05. Overall quality of services provided by the City of Springfield
06. Overall value you receive for City of Springfield taxes and fees
07. The City of Springfield as a place to do business
08. The City of Springfield as a place to live
09. The City of Springfield as a place to raise a family
10. The City of Springfield as a place to retire
[ Q4 ]
Do you feel that things in the City of Springfield are generally headed in the right direction?