2024 City of Golden Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Survey default Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser or for this website. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters. General Use [ idbkp ] 4700 4700 [ IPGL ] Location data from IP: IP address Country Region City Latitude Longitude Postal code Time zone [ Q1 ] Including yourself, how many people in your household are... Only numbers may be entered in these fields. Under age 5: Ages 5-9: Ages 10-14: Ages 15-19: Ages 20-24: Ages 25-34: Ages 35-44: Ages 45-54: Ages 55-64: Ages 65-79: Ages 80+: [ Q2 ] In the last year, have you or members of your household visited any parks or recreation facilities operated by the City of Golden? Choose one of the following answers Yes No No answer [ Q2a ] How would you rate the overall quality of the parks or recreation facilities you or members of your household have visited? Choose one of the following answers Excellent Good Fair Poor No answer [ Q3 ] In the last year, have you or members of your household participated in any recreation programs (by registering through the City) offered by the City of Golden? Choose one of the following answers Yes No No answer [ Q3a ] How would you rate the overall quality of the recreation programs you or members of your household have participated in? Choose one of the following answers Excellent Good Fair Poor No answer [ Q4 ] From the following list, please CHECK ALL the organizations you or members of your household have used for recreation programs or activities during the last 12 months. Check all that apply City of Golden Parks and Recreation Colorado School of Mines Other nearby cities Other nearby recreation districts Private athletic training facilities Private community centers Private dance or gymnastic facilities Private fitness clubs YMCA Youth/private sports organizations Other [ Q4x11 ] Please define "Other." Previous Next Resume later Please confirm you want to clear your response? Exit and clear survey Resume later Exit and clear survey ×