2024 City of Camas Community Survey

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Major Categories of Services
[ idbkp ]
[ IPGL ]
Location data from IP:
[ Intro ]
In questions 1 and 2 we are asking your satisfaction level for individual department or primary services, and then to tell us what areas you believe need the most emphasis as we move forward. This information is important as we develop future budgets and work plans. Later in the survey, we are asking more detailed questions about department or primary services to give us feedback on how we are doing in the various services we provide.
[ Q1 ]
Major categories of services provided by the City of Camas are listed below. Please rate each item.
01. Overall effectiveness of city communication with the public
02. Overall effectiveness of city economic development efforts
03. Overall effectiveness of city management of storm water runoff
04. Overall enforcement of city codes and ordinances
05. Overall maintenance of city streets
06. Overall quality of city parks/trails/open space
07. Overall quality of city sewer services
08. Overall quality of city water utilities
09. Overall variety of the City's billing and finance options
10. Overall quality of customer service you receive from city employees
11. Overall quality of fire, emergency medical and ambulance services
12. Overall quality of police services
13. Overall quality of the City's garbage services
14. Overall quality of the City's parks and recreation programs
15. Overall quality of the City's public library services
16. Overall quality of services/utilities compared to the cost of these services/qualities
[ Q2 ]
Which THREE of the above items do you think should receive the MOST EMPHASIS from city leaders over the next two years?
[ Q2a ]
In the event that cuts are required due to shortfalls, which area of service would you first reduce?
[ Q3 ]
Several items that may influence your perception of the City of Camas are listed below. Please rate each item.
1. Overall quality of services provided by the City of Camas
2. Overall value that you receive for your city tax dollars and fees
3. Overall image of the City
4. How well the City is managing growth and development
5. Overall feeling of safety in the City
6. Availability of job opportunities
7. Overall quality of new development
[ Q4 ]
How satisfied are you with the overall quality of life in the City of Camas?