2024 Daniel Boone Regional Library Community Survey

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Library System
[ idbkp ]
[ IPGL ]
Location data from IP:
[ Q1 ]
Prior to receiving this survey, had you heard of the Daniel Boone Regional Library System?
[ Q2 ]
Which ONE of the following Daniel Boone Regional Library facilities or services do you visit or use most?
[ Q2x8 ]
Please define "Other."
[ Q3 ]
Compared to a year ago, how has your use of library facilities and services changed?
[ Q4 ]
Several statements about the library are listed below. Please rate your level of agreement with each of the following.
1. The library is a place of lifelong learning
2. The library serves as a community hub
3. I think libraries are important to our community
4. Libraries are important to me personally
5. I feel welcome at the library
6. I think the internet is making libraries obsolete
7. I feel safe at the library
8. The library facility I use is meeting the needs of the community
9. My library is clean and well maintained
[ Q5 ]
Satisfaction with the Library System. Items that may influence your overall satisfaction with the Daniel Boone Regional Library system are listed below. Please rate each item.
1. How close library services are to your home
2. Overall quality of public library services in the community where you live
3. How well you are informed about library services and programs
4. The value of library services you receive for your tax dollars
5. The library website and digital services
6. Library services to assist those with mobility, vision and hearing impairment
7. Quality of information shared on the library's social media (Facebook, X/Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok)