2024 City of Taylor Wellness and Recreation Center Survey

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Wellness and Recreation Value
[ idbkp ]
[ IPGL ]
Location data from IP:
[ Q1 ]
Counting yourself, how many people in your household are...
[ Q2 ]
How important do you believe it is for the City of Taylor to offer a wellness/recreation center for the community?
[ Q3 ]
Do you believe it is valuable for the City of Taylor to offer a wellness/recreation center to the community as a whole?
[ Q3a ]
Please CHECK ALL of the items below that you would consider to be benefits of a wellness/recreation center.
[ Q3b ]
If you indicated that you do not believe the City of Taylor offering a wellness/recreation center has value or if you don't know if it is valuable to offer a wellness/recreation center to the community as a whole, please CHECK ALL the reasons why.
[ Q3b5 ]
Please define "Other."
[ Q4 ]
Have you or other members of your household participated in any wellness/recreation programs offered by the City of Taylor during the past 12 months?
[ Q4a ]
Approximately how many different recreation programs offered by the City of Taylor have you or members of your household participated in over the past 12 months?
[ Q4b ]
Please CHECK ALL the reasons why your household does not participate in recreation programs or does not participate more often.
[ Q4b17 ]
Please define "Other."