2024 Ames Area Regional Travel Survey

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General Transportation
[ idbkp ]
[ IPGL ]
Location data from IP:
[ Q1 ]
How many operating vehicles (cars, trucks, motorcycles/mopeds, vans) do you have in your household?
[ Q2 ]
What is your employment status?
[ Q2a ]
In which city do you work/go to school?
[ Q2b ]
What method of transportation do you normally use to go to work/school?
[ Q2b9 ]
Please define "Other."
[ Q2c ]
How many miles is your place of employment/school from your home?
[ Q3 ]
On a typical weekday, how many one-way trips do you normally make using the following types of transportation? Please count all trips completed, including return trips to your home. If you make multiple stops on your way, please count each destination you visit as a separate trip. For example, if you stop at a gas station on the way to work, this would count as two trips.
  • trips
  • trips
  • trips
  • trips
  • trips
  • trips
  • trips
[ Q4 ]
Which THREE of the following would encourage you to use a mode of transportation other than driving a personal vehicle to complete your daily trips?
  1. Expanded transit service coverage
  2. More inexpensive transit service
  3. More bicycle and/or pedestrian connections (trails, bike lanes) to employment and commercial destinations
  4. Wider availability of emerging transportation options like bike sharing, ridesharing (Uber, Lyft), and electric scooters
  5. Less vehicle parking availability, more bicycle parking availability, and/or higher vehicle operating costs like gas prices