2024 City of Foster City Parks and Recreation Needs Assessment Survey Language: English - English 简体中文 - Chinese (Simplified) English - English default Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser or for this website. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters. Parks Usage and Participation [ idbkp ] 1244 1244 [ IPGL ] Location data from IP: IP address Country Region City Latitude Longitude Postal code Time zone [ Q1 ] Including yourself, how many people in your household are... Only numbers may be entered in these fields. Under age 5: Ages 5-9: Ages 10-14: Ages 15-19: Ages 20-24: Ages 25-34: Ages 35-44: Ages 45-54: Ages 55-64: Ages 65-74: Ages 75-84: Ages 85+: [ Q2 ] Have you or any member of your household visited any Foster City parks or recreational facilities during the past 12 months? Choose one of the following answers Yes No No answer [ Q2a ] How often do you visit Foster City parks and/or facilities? Choose one of the following answers More than once a week Once a week 1-3 times a month Several times a year Rarely Don't know No answer [ Q2b ] Please CHECK ALL the following reasons that you and members of your household currently use Foster City parks and facilities. Check all that apply Walking Walk dog(s) Hang out Ride a bike Run/jog People watch Read a book Play on a playground Picnicking/family-friend gathering Go swimming/use a splash pad Watch birds/wildlife Participate in a sports league/program/event Play pick-up sports (basketball, tennis, pickleball, soccer, lawn bowling, etc.) Other [ Q2b14 ] Please define "Other." [ Q2c ] Overall, how would you rate the physical condition of ALL the City of Foster City parks and facilities you have visited? Choose one of the following answers Excellent Good Fair Poor No answer [ Q3 ] Please CHECK ALL of the following reasons that prevent you or members of your households from visiting Foster City parks and recreation facilities more often. Check all that apply Criminal activity in the park Do not feel safe using parks/facilities Lack of amenities we want to use Lack of handicap (ADA) accessibility Lack of parking to access parks/facilities Lack of restrooms Lack of shade Lack of transportation Language/cultural barriers Not aware of parks' or facilities' locations Parks/facilities are not well maintained Too far from our home Use parks/facilities in other cities/county Other None [ Q3x14 ] Please define "Other." [ Q4 ] What Foster City park do you or the members of your household visit most frequently? [ Q4a ] What improvements/additions would you most like to see made at that park? Check all that apply Restrooms Trees/shade Picnic shelters Picnic tables/benches Parking Sidewalks Landscaping Drinking fountains Improved connectivity/access between parks and trails Incorporating public art into open spaces Bike racks Accessibility Security lighting Trail lighting Sports field/court lighting Other [ Q4a16 ] Please define "Other." Previous Next Resume later Please confirm you want to clear your response? Exit and clear survey Resume later Exit and clear survey ×