2024 City of Evans Park and Recreation Department Needs Assessment Survey

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Parks and Facilities
[ idbkp ]
[ IPGL ]
Location data from IP:
[ Q1 ]
Park and Facility Usage and Ratings. Please indicate whether you or members of your household have used or visited each of the following parks or facilities below.
[ Q1a ]
For each item you or members of your household have used or visited, please rate the physical condition.
01. Evans Community Complex Gymnasium
02. Evans Community Complex Cardio Room
03. Evans Community Complex Weight Room
04. Evans Community Complex Game Room
05. Evans Community Center Activity Room
06. Evans Community Center Dance Studio
07. Evans Community Center Banquet Hall
08. Riverside Library & Cultural Center Banquet Hall
09. City Park
10. Pioneer Park
11. Prairie View Park
12. Ridge Park
13. Riverside Park
[ Q2 ]
Have you or other members of your household participated in any programs, activities, or classes offered by Evans during the past year?
[ Q2a ]
How would you rate the overall quality of programs, activities, or classes that you and members of your household have participated in?
[ Q3 ]
Barriers to Evans Programs and Facilities Usage. Please indicate which of the following are the biggest barriers to you or anyone in your household using Evans programs, activities, or classes and facilities.
[ Q3x11 ]
Please define "Other."