2024 City of Moberly Parks and Recreation Survey

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Parks Usage and Knowledge
[ idbkp ]
[ IPGL ]
Location data from IP:
[ Q1 ]
Including yourself, how many people in your household are...
[ Q2 ]
Have you or other members of your household visited any parks or facilities offered by the Parks and Recreation Department during the past year?
[ Q2a ]
How would you rate the physical condition of the parks/facilities you and the members of your household have visited during the past year?
[ Q3 ]
Have you or other members of your household participated in any programs and activities offered by the Parks and Recreation Department during the past year?
[ Q3a ]
How would you rate the programs and activities you and the members of your household have participated in during the past year?
[ Q4 ]
Have you or other members of your household participated in any sports leagues and classes offered through the Parks and Recreation Department during the past year?
[ Q4a ]
How would you rate the sports leagues and classes you and the members of your household have participated in during the past year?
[ Q5 ]
Please rate your level of satisfaction with the following parks and facilities provided by the City of Moberly. If you haven't used the park/facility, please select "Haven't Used."
01. Depot Park (Intersection of W Reed St and N Sturgeon St)
02. Fox Park (1160 Russhaven Dr)
03. Heritage Hills Golf Course (3534 State Hwy JJ)
04. Howard Hils Athletic Complex (in Rothwell Park)
05. Lion's Beuth Park (1001 Beuth Rd)
06. Moberly Aquatic Center (in Rothwell Park)
07. Rothwell Park (Rothwell Park Rd)
08. Shepherd Fields (1438 South Morley Street)
09. Tannehill Park and Splashpad (107 Hagood St)
10. Thompson Campground (in Rothwell Park)