2024-25 Winchester Co-op Market Survey

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Overall Satisfaction
[ idbkp ]
[ IPGL ]
Location data from IP:
[ Q1 ]
Overall, how would you rate your satisfaction with the grocery options currently available in your community?
[ Q2 ]
Overall, how familiar are you with the idea of a Co-op Market and what it means to belong to a for-profit, member-owned cooperative market?
[ Q2a ]
A for-profit, member-owned cooperative market is a business where members are both owners and customers. The market organizers prioritize local, sustainable, and minimally processed foods to support community well-being, transparency, and environmental stewardship while generating financial returns for members.
Based on the definition of a cooperative market above, how interested are you in learning more about this type of business and how to become a member?
[ Q3 ]
Thinking of the place where your household gets most of its groceries, how often are the types of food items listed below available?
1. Fresh fruits, vegetables, or meat
2. Frozen fruits, vegetables, or meat
3. Organic fruits, vegetables, or meat
4. Locally produced fruits, vegetables, or meat
5. Whole grains and breads
6. Canned and boxed foods
7. Dairy and eggs
8. Other food options (please specify)
[ Q3x8 ]
Other food options (please specify):
[ Q4 ]
Listed below are several options on where people may purchase their groceries. Please rate how likely you or someone in your household would be to use one of the options listed below if they were available in your community.
1. A locally owned grocery store
2. A chain grocery store
3. A farmer's market or farm stand
4. A Co-op (member-owned) grocery store
5. A food pantry
6. A mobile market
7. A dollar store (Dollar General, Family Dollar)
8. A grocery delivery service
9. A convenience store, gas station, or pharmacy