2025 Spokane (STA) Community Perceptions Study default Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser or for this website. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters. Spokane Transit Authority [ idbkp ] 116 116 [ IPGL ] Location data from IP: IP address Country Region City Latitude Longitude Postal code Time zone [ Q1 ] First, do you think things in the Spokane area are generally going in the right direction, or do you feel things have gotten off on the wrong track? Choose one of the following answers Right direction Wrong track Don't know No answer [ Q2 ] How would you rate the transportation system in the Spokane area, by that we mean the entire system - roads, transit, sidewalks, bike ways and transportation services in general? Choose one of the following answers Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor No answer [ Q3 ] Thinking now from a personal standpoint, which one of the following is the biggest problem for you when getting from one place to another in the Spokane area? Choose one of the following answers Condition of roads, potholes and dangerous roads Congestion Road construction Lack of public transit Lack of certainty about time to get there by car Careless drivers/better drivers Gas prices Inefficient stop lights Car accidents Connecting bike trails Lack of freeway system Unnecessary stop signs Weather conditions Being on time (general) No problems No answer [ Q4 ] What comes to mind first when you think of "Spokane Transit"? [ Q5 ] In your opinion, is the amount of bus service that Spokane Transit currently provides for the community: Choose one of the following answers Too much About right Too little Don't know No answer [ Q6 ] Based on your personal experience or anything you may have seen, read, or heard, how would you rate the overall job you think Spokane Transit is doing in providing public transit service in the Spokane area? Choose one of the following answers Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor No answer [ Q6a ] Why do you give it that rating? Previous Next Resume later Please confirm you want to clear your response? Exit and clear survey Resume later Exit and clear survey ×