2025 City of Killeen Community Survey

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Major Categories of City Services
[ Q1 ]
How satisfied are you with the overall quality of life in the City of Killeen?
[ Q2 ]
Major Categories of City Services. What is your level of satisfaction with the City of Killeen's...
01. Fire services
02. Ambulance services
03. Police services
04. Street maintenance
05. Trash collection
06. Recycling
07. Brush collection
08. Water service
09. Sewer service
10. Animal control
11. Municipal court
12. City parks
13. Municipal golf course
14. Recreational programming
15. Code enforcement
16. Library services
17. City youth programs
18. Airports
19. Resident volunteer programs
20. Utility collections
[ Q3 ]
Which FIVE of the items listed in Question 2 should receive the MOST EMPHASIS from City leaders?
[ Q4 ]
Value of City Services. What is your level of satisfaction with the...
1. Overall quality of services provided by the City
2. Overall quality of customer service from City employees
3. Value you receive for your tax dollars and fees
[ Q5 ]
What is your level of satisfaction with the work the City of Killeen has done in...
1. Providing a safe community
2. Providing adequate community events
3. Keeping residents informed about City business
4. Planning for future needs of residents
5. Having employees that respond to resident needs
6. Providing an adequate forum for public input
7. Working with surrounding cities
8. Working with the Killeen ISD
[ Q6 ]
Which THREE of the items listed in Question 5 should receive the MOST EMPHASIS from City leaders?